



     硕士研究生:张龙(SA22003017)、陈德家(SA22003001BA24003048)、赵梦圆(SA22003082)、张奕羲(SA22003048 BA24003018)、崔雪琪(SA22003036




最多提交 3 篇代表性论文(按重要性排序)
张龙SA22003017Novel diacid–superbase ionic liquids for efficient dissolution of cellulose and simultaneous preparation of multifunctional cellulose materials                   Green Chemistry, 2024, 26(15): 8794-8807.          文章为第一作者,无共同一作。1
Dissolving and Efficient Fractionation of Chitin and Synchronous Preparation of Calcium Lactate from Crayfish Shell Waste Using Amino Acid-Based Deep Eutectic SolventsAcs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, , 2024, 12(4): 1548-1560.  文章为第一作者,无共同一作。
Preparation of nanochitin using deep eutectic solvents (综述文章)Iscience, 2024, 27(3): 109312.文章为第一作者,无共同一作。本研究为综述文章。
陈德家SA22003001(BA24003048)J-aggregates of strong electron-donating groups linked Aza-BODIPY adjusting by polypeptide for NIR-II phototheranosticsSpectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy、322、2024、124789文章为第一作者,无共同一作。2
Organic Stable Diradicaloid Polypeptide Nanoparticles for NIR    Two-photon PhototheranosticsACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Revision Submitted to Journal文章为第一作者,无共同一作。
赵梦圆SA22003082Wetting-Enhanced Adhesion of Photo-polymerized Supramolecular Adhesives for both Smooth and Rough Surfaceschemical science,2024,15, 6445-6453第一作者无共一3
张奕羲SA22003048   (博士学号BA24003018)Size dependent lithium-ion conductivity of solid electrolytes in machine learning molecular dynamics simulationsArtificial Intelligence Chemistry 2, 2024, 100051第一作者(无共一)4
Halide Superionic Conductors with Non-Close-Packed Anion FrameworksAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 63, 2024, e202400424第二作者(无共一)。
崔雪琪SA22003036 Assignment for vibrationally resolved threshold
photoelectron spectrum of difluoromethane in the photon energy range of 12.45‒14.10 eV(后来文章题目更正为Exploration of vibrationally resolved threshold photoelectron spectrum of difluoromethane within the photon energy range of 12.45‒14.10 eV,但接收函中未更改)
Chinese Journal of  Chemical Physics (10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp2408109)第一作者,无共一。5


最多提交 3 篇代表性论文(按重要性排序)
王政亚BA21003028谭世倞Topologically Localized Vibronic Excitations in Second-Layer Graphene NanoribbonsPhys. Rev. Lett. 133, 036401 (2024).(第一作者,无共一)一区8.11
Self-Limited Embedding Alternating 585-Ringed Divacancies and Metal Atoms into Graphene NanoribbonsJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 8445−8454 (2023) 第一作者  (有共一偏重实验) 一区14.4
On-Surface Synthesis of Graphene Nanoribbons with Atomically Precise Structural Heterogeneities and On-Site Characterizations  (Perspective) ACS Nano 17, 17610-17623 (2023).共同第一作者(排名第二)一区15.8
曾琳BA22003005曾杰Recycling valuable alkylbenzenes from polystyrene through methanol-assisted depolymerization.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, 23, e202404952.(本人为第一作者,工作为实验研究)                             一区16.12
Efficient solvent- and hydrogen-free upcycling of high-density polyethylene into separable cyclic hydrocarbons.  Nat. Nanotechnol. 18, 2023-06-26, 772–779.(本人为共一第二作者,工作为实验研究)                         一区38.1
Direct synthesis of extra-heavy olefins from carbon monoxide and water. Nat. Commun.14, 2023-04-03, 1857(本人为第二作者)                    一区14.7
范雅梅BA2003051傅强 Water-assisted oxidative dispersion of Cu particles through formation of Cu hydroxide at room temperature. Nature communications. 2024, 15, 3046. 这个工作由本人范雅梅和大连化物所博后李荣坦共同完成(共同作者)一区14.73
Surface hydroxyl-determined migration and anchoring of silver on alumina in oxidative redispersion. ACS Catalysis, 2023, 13(4): 2277-2285. 独立一作一区11.3
冯丽BA21003046刘进勋Atomically‒intimate assembly of dual metal‒oxide interfaces for tandem conversion of syngas to ethanolNature Nanotechnology(原则上接收)共一第二一区38.14
Direct conversion of CO and H2O to hydrocarbons at atmospheric pressure using a TiO2−x/Ni photothermal catalystNature Energy, 2024, 9 (2), 154-162.共一第四一区49.7
Metal(II)-Sulfate Site Catalysts toward Low Overpotential Carbon Dioxide Electroreduction to Fuel ChemicalsAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202405255.共一第二一区16.6
蔡立华BA21003040路军岭Formation of a Porous Crystalline Mg1-xAl2Oy Overlayer on Metal Catalysts via Controlled Solid-State Reactions for High-temperature Stable CatalysisAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202404398第一作者,无共一一区16.15
Confining volatile boron oxide species for stable oxidative dehydrogenation of propane(invited preview)Chem Catal. 2024, 4, 101067第一作者,无共一一区11.5